Our Finnish vet, Heidi Peltola came to take her dog “Pamuk”. Heidi, who graduated from the Veterinary of Hanover University, saved so many lives of the cats and dogs in our shelter during her internship for 6 months.  She participated in a lot of surgeries with Vet Volkan Tuncay and took tasks of the post-op care of the operated animals.
One day a white puppy which had a lot of wounds most probably done by bigger dogs came to the shelter. She cured her wounds. She loved her very much and decided to adopt the dog. She gave her a name “Pamuk”. In order to go abroad for a dog, minimum 3 months should pass after the titration test. Therefore we took care of Pamuk during this period. We completed all the papers of the dog. Last week Heidi came to Sinop to take her dog to Germany and this became news. Many thanks to her for taking care of our numerous animals in the shelter and making a fairy tale for one of our puppies.
There are a lot of animals who are waiting for you to come. You can adopt one of them and give them a happy life. Also you can have a very loyal friend forever.