We are hosting and sending volunteers for short term and long term under our European Solidarity Corps project 2021-1-TR01-ESC51-VTJ-000037031, “Magic Hands”. Here are our volunteers and their activities:






Massinissa Zeghouani

Hosting Organisation: Sahipsiz Hayvanları Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği

Supporting Organisation: Association Educative et Culturelle Arc en Ciel, Algeria

Activity Dates: 01.06.2022 – 31.05.2023

Massi, who was our intern before, took care of our countless stray friends as a doctor with his compassionate hands. He treated and healed many cats and dogs living in the Sinop Shelter, the Gerze Shelter and the ones in the streets. He assisted the veterinarians of Sinop and Gerze Municipalities in their surgeries and had the opportunity to practice many surgical techniques (Ovariohisterectomy, hernia, traumatic surgery, amputation, etc.). He undertook numerous tasks such as infectious diseases, parasitic and fungal diseases, diagnosis and treatment of internal medicine, post-operative care, daily check-ups of patients and babies, cooking special meals for babies and patients, feeding 300 dogs and 50 cats in the shelter, and implementing emergency medicine and treatment protocols. He worked for animals in need of intensive and special care to survive in his own room. Thus, he worked full time (24/7) for our animals throughout his activity.
Massi also took part in all kermess and stall sales of our association. He developed products to sell. He worked hard for our association to survive.
We would like to thank Massi for all his devoted work. We will miss Massi very much.







Tuğçe Özgün

Hosting Organisation: Asociacion Cultural Integra, Spain

Supporting Organisation: Sahipsiz Hayvanları Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği

Activity Dates: 01.07.2022 – 23.06.2023

Throughout her activity, Tuğçe helped Erasmus volunteers who came to the host organization, Asociacion Cultural Integra, in their adaptation processes. He gave them preliminary information and prepared presentations about the city of A Coruña and their duties in the offices. He prepared initial training for volunteers before they started their jobs, in preparation for their volunteering or internship experiences in A Coruña. He held regular evaluation meetings with volunteers. He prepared final reports by making periodic evaluations to measure the development and satisfaction of volunteers. He experienced Spanish culture, language, Galician people and social events. Improved Spanish language skills. Improved intercultural sensitivity, communication and leadership skills. Thanks to this project, Tuğçe improved herself personally, socially, professionally and culturally.






Andrea Aliende Armendia

Hosting Organisation: Sinop Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Derneği

Supporting Organisation: Asociacion Building Bridges, Spain

Activity Dates: 01.06.2022 – 29.07.2022

Andrea had responsibility for running our social shop for the stray animals during her service. She also took care of the dog which was adopted and accompanied her until she went to her new life. She also took care of the cats and dogs under the protection of the association. She did recycling activities and participated in the green groups to save the environment.







Mayar Hussian Muhamed Said

Hosting Organisation: Sahipsiz Hayvanları Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği

Supporting Organisation: Have A Dream, Egypt

Activity Dates: 10.07.2022 – 04.09.2022

Mayar worked at the shelter for the stray cats and dogs and in the wildlife center for the wild animals throughout her activity. She participated in operations of orthopedics, castration, sterilization. She examined animals by X-Rays, ultrasound and blood tests to determine nature of diseases and injuries. She assisted in diagnosis, treatment and vaccinating against viral diseases.







Bojana Simić 

Hosting Organisation: Sahipsiz Hayvanları Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği

Supporting Organisation: Vega Youth Center, Serbia

Activity Dates: 01.07.2022 – 26.08.2022

Bojana worked at the shelter for the stray cats and dogs and in the wildlife center for the wild animals throughout her activity. In the shelter, she assisted the Vet Volkan Tuncay of our municipality for their sterilization and treatment of the stray animals. In the wildlife center, she worked on the diagnosis of their illnesses and injuries, their rehabilitation, taking x-rays and ultrasounds, taking blood samples, administering fluids, research on behaviors of animals and their habits, assisting the surgeries and intensive care for the orphans.







Iva Moçi 

Hosting Organisation: Sahipsiz Hayvanları Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği

Supporting Organisation: Center for Bridging Communities, Albania

Activity Dates: 06.07.2022 – 31.08.2022

Iva worked in the shelter for our stray friends with Vet Volkan Tuncay and assisted him with treatment, surgery and check-ups. She had experience on the first aid on cats and dogs, cat and dog sterilization, diagnosis and treatment in internal medicine, Distemper, Panleukopenia and Parvoviral Enteritis treatment and daily check-ups. Iva also worked in the wildlife center with the veterinarians in the center for squirrels, wild birds, etc. which were sick or orphan. Diagnosing, treatment and releasing them back into the wild were her tasks.







Safa Maaouia

Hosting Organisation: Eğitim Programları ve Evrensel ve Kültürel Aktiviteler Derneği

Supporting Organisation: Association de Volontariat, Tunisia

Activity Dates: 02.07.2022 – 27.08.2022

Safa worked at the Association of Spastic Children during her activity. She held speaking, writing, outdoor games and music activities and worked on social skills and manners, fine motor development and sensory integration of the disabled children.






Kseniia Bondarenko

Hosting Organisation: Eğitim Programları ve Evrensel ve Kültürel Aktiviteler Derneği

Supporting Organisation: Krasnoyark Regional Non-Governmental Organization For Non-Formal Education And Intercultural Communication “INTERRA”, Russian Federation

Activity Dates: 11.07.2022 – 05.09.2022


Kseniia worked at the Association of Spastic Children during her activity. She participated in everyday activities, assisting both the staff and the youngsters in their wide-ranging organisational, educational, and recreational activities such as art therapy, workshops, sports, music, dance, handicrafts and excursions for 2 months. Her role was that of a teacher and a friend for the young people with disabilities thus she facilitated and supported their learning in the rehabilitation center.






Hazem Othman Esmail Saleh Ahmed

Hosting Organisation: Sahipsiz Hayvanları Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği

Supporting Organisation: Have A Dream, Egypt

Activity Dates: 06.12.2022 – 02.02.2023

Hazem who worked at the shelter in Gerze and Sinop for two months gave medical treatment and vaccines to animals under the direction of the senior vet. Also he assisted in surgical procedures, and performed spaying and neutering surgeries supervised by the vet.







Ermir Shehaj 

Hosting Organisation: Sahipsiz Hayvanları Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği

Supporting Organisation: Center for Bridging Communities, Albania

Activity Dates: 07.01.2023 – 06.03.2023

Ermir worked both at the Sinop shelter and the Gerze shelter. He gave medical treatment and vaccines to animals under the direction of the senior vet. He assisted in surgical procedures, and performed spaying and neutering surgeries supervised by the vet. Also he went to many calls to our association. He took care of the weak and sick cats and dogs at home. Ermir worked very devotedly for us.




Višnja Senić

Hosting Organisation: Sahipsiz Hayvanları Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği

Supporting Organisation: Centar za osobni i profesionalni razvoj Syncro – Synergy Croatia, Croatia

Activity Dates: 13.02.2023 – 12.04.2023


Visnja assisted Volkan Tuncay, veterinarian of our municipality with his spaying/neutering surgeries of our stray friends in the shelter. She diagnosed and treated infectious diseases in the shelter, cared for the injured animals and vaccinated the babies. Višnja worked in a professional and dedicated manner and facilitated the recovery of many of our friends.






Aleksandra Głowacka

Hosting Organisation: Sahipsiz Hayvanları Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği

Supporting Organisation: Stowarzyszenie Jeden Swiat, Poland

Activity Dates: 06.03.2023 – 03.05.2023

Aleksandra did general checking of our stray friends in the shelter during her activity. She cleaned the wounds, administered fluids to sick animals, did deworming and vaccinated the puppies. She assisted the vet of our municipality during the operations. She also treated animals with distemper and respiratory infections and took care of the little kittens.