Sena Arslantay, an earthquake victim from Hatay whom we sent to Slovenia for a year with our European Solidarity Corps project, has returned to her hometown. During her one-year volunteer service, Sena worked with children and young people. She assisted teachers in a kindergarten. She carried out educational and entertaining activities with young people. She worked in animal shelters. She was interested in the cultural heritage in the society. She participated in the Slovenian Alpine Association’s integrative walks for people with disabilities. She helped Caritas to raise funds for people facing poverty. She did handicrafts, woodworking, painting. She took part in various workshops. She took part in many invitations and events of the host organization Manipura, Zavod za svetovanje in kreativno delo z mladimi in družinami in Begunje na Gorenjskem, and represented the organization. She introduced the hosting organization. She learned Slovenian. She developed herself personally, socially, professionally and culturally. She tried to erase the effects of the earthquake from her memory. We would like to thank Sena for her outstanding efforts throughout her volunteering service.