Our veterinary student volunteer Neslihan Öztürk, who came from Istanbul with our European Solidarity Corps project, returned home. During her 2-month long activity, Neslihan had the opportunity to take part in many surgeries as well as caring for and treating animals in need of care. Professionally, she took part in developing manual skills for ovariohysterectomy operation and following up the animals to be operated on. At the same time, she assisted the veterinarians in charge during the operations.
In addition to going to shelters, she also did parasite treatments, antibiotic supplements after sterilization operations for the animals cared for by the association, and sometimes she took them out for a walk to meet the walking needs of the association’s beloved dogs.
During her volunteering period, Neslihan tried to use all her professional knowledge for the health of animals. At the same time, she learned new information. Apart from the operations she performed in the shelters, she personally took part in the care and treatment of animals at home for the association.
Within the scope of this project, she added many things to herself professionally, as well as the opportunity to get to know the other volunteers’ cultures coming from different countries.
We thank Neslihan very much for all her outstanding efforts for our stray friends.

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