Again a broken leg
Again a broken leg! Again a traffic accident! The dog is fine now. If you want to see the dog, he is in Cadde Clinic [...]
Again a broken leg! Again a traffic accident! The dog is fine now. If you want to see the dog, he is in Cadde Clinic [...]
The dog that lives in front of the prison got a hit most probably by a car has a broken hip. He had a successful [...]
The detached spine of the cat which was hit by a car most probably was implanted with an awesome surgery in the Veterinary Surgery Center [...]
Our Albanian volunteer, Lediona Kasapi of our Erasmus+ European Voluntary Service project "Transposition" worked in the Association of Sustainable Development of Sinop and back her [...]
The left eye of this cat was amputed due to the perforation in Cadde Clinic. The general health condition of the cat is very well [...]
On the fourth day in Dikmen, 6 more dogs were sterilized. One of the dogs had an open wound and there was an intensive infection [...]