
“Limelight” Erasmus+ KA1 EVS project aims to illuminate the society with its two different activities in Strasbourg, France and Maribor, Slovenia on the topics of human rights, democracy, European citizenship, fight against racisim and discrimination, intercultural dialogue, humanitarian aid, empowering disadvantaged people for their employment and inclusion in the society, which are the fundamental rights of European Union. The two activities of the project took 10 months.

Our volunteer, Sinan Kalayci in the 1st activity participated in Cojep International in Strasbourg, France for their international activities between January 2017 – November 2017.

As a jurnalist, Sinan took part in the production of broadcasting of the programs of the TV channel, “Medya Turk”, of Cojep International and took tasks both in front of and behind the camera. He prepared and presented the program “Witnesses Are Talking” which was on air on Thursday nights. He connected live telephone and video calls during the broadcasting. Sinan was accredited to be able to organize events in the European Parliament. He broadcast the live events in the European Parliament. He participated in the conferences in the Geneva Office of the United Nations. He broadcast the live conferences in the Council of Europe. He designed the graphics, managed the social media accounts and worked on the production of the contents of the hosting organisation.





Our volunteer, Dogukan Hancer in the 2nd activity participated in Youth Aid Center Association in Maribor, Slovenia for their activities for children between February 2017 – December 2017.

Dogukan worked in the art & culture field and participated in the kids activities. He experienced notion of modern and classical art in Europe. He worked with the artists and curators to create art performances and exhibitions. He also designed graphics of visual announcements of the kids’ activities and played educational games with children. He took Slovenian language courses.